Storytelling Through Photography: Hannah Reyes Morales

Storytelling Through Photography: Hannah Reyes Morales

Hannah Reyes Morales is a Filipina photojournalist and National Geographic Explorer. Hannah’s photographs expose private moments from the lives of people who are impacted by inequality, poverty, and injustice. Her images elicit deep empathy, highlighting a range of emotions in a single image to emphasize our shared humanity.


5 - 12+


Professional Learning, Storytelling, Photography

Developed in partnership with
Adobe 6

Hannah Reyes Morales embodies what National Geographic recognizes as the “Explorer Mindset.” The National Geographic Learning Framework is the cornerstone of all National Geographic Education programs and it describes the key attitudes, skills, and knowledge that encompass the mindset of a National Geographic Explorer.

In this video, Hannah summarizes her journey to becoming a photographer, and articulates ideas about what makes a great photograph, focusing on the intersecting qualities of connection, empathy, and resilience.

This video was developed in partnership with Adobe, as part of a series of courses called Storytelling for Impact.

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Last Updated

April 23, 2024

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